Friday, August 27, 2010

Lilo needs to fall off a cliff

I just can't stand Lindsay Lohan. She makes me want to puke. As seen here Lindsay is back at life driving expensive cars and wearing designer things like billboards. I listen to 89X in the morning and they were saying today that she's actually getting paid by major companies and brands to wear/drink/use their product since she is such a big deal right now. Paparazzi are on her like white on rice. What is wrong with all of the young celebrities throwing away their lives?! They make some money and lose their minds apparently. It just makes me so mad that people who work hard to earn a little bit of money have to constantly listen to this crap. I have to see Lilo on every stupid magazine in every store and hear about how dumb she is. I would just like to live comfortably and provide enough for my family to be able to have vacations and a decent home. As she drowns herself in her millions of dollars and ruins her life... so not fair.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My birthday is upon us...

My birthday is in about 2 and a half weeks. I will be 25. I feel like I am going to be terribly old. Now of course I don't know for sure but I feel like turning 25 with no children is much different than 25 with a two year old. My points:
  • I go to bed at 10:30pm
  • I am constantly in physical pain (usually back pain, this makes you feel old)
  • My SO is going to be 34 in November (we do old people things, hehe)
  • Having a routine is very boring and old feeling
  • I rarely drink or go out in the evenings
  • I have two good physical friends that I rarely see
  • My "stepson" is going on 9, feels like I had him in a way (weird)
Is that enough? I feel old, I don't even want anything for my birthday. I told my SO that I don't want anything. That's sad.

Lost motivation...who's with me?

Has anyone else out there lost motivation with life and it's goals? I feel like a lost soul for some reason. How did I get here? How do I get out? I need someone to smack me in the face and tell me to snap out of it. In this I am speaking about relationships, my career goals, getting into Specs Howard for school, cleaning around the house...I've lost it all over the place. Yikes! I arrived back from Georgia in quite a funk. See I was there for vacation which was anything but. I was lonely, irritated, exhausted and couldn't get along with a soul. Add in two 12 hour driving trips and you've got a pissed off mama! :)